Barbara Devaney, BFA, MA
MIACP, EXA Therapist, EMDR Europe Accredited Practitioner
U.S. Licensed Therapist: Ca. List. LMFT MFC 43190


If you need to talk with me between session:
Confidential: 087 6479275



Cork City

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Here is a list of tips for successful Telehealth appointments:
  • Test out the Telehealth link when you receive your email.
  • Please plan to be somewhere comfortable, private, and quiet for our appointment. To increase privacy, download a white noise app on your phone and place it near the door during our appointment.
  • We will need download speeds of at least 10 MBPS. If you have limited bandwidth, ask your house mates to limit their use of data if you are sharing wifi. Please close applications and other windows on your devices.
  • Please silence notifications on your devices to limit distractions.
  • Headphones or earbuds will improve our ability to hear each other.
  • Additional requirements: you need to be sober, clothed, and not driving.